World Kindness Week

The week of November 8th is known as World Kindness Week. This is an annual 7-day celebration of love and kindness, culminating in World Kindness Day on November 13th. There are many ways to show kindness; here are some fun ideas!

World Kindness Week

Active Ideas

Some of the best ideas involve activities that include going out of your way. One way of doing this is offering to do an errand for a friend. You can walk their dog, pick up groceries, deliver messages, and more. Taking care of one of these errands is a great way to show kindness!

Another great active idea is to cook dinner for a friend or loved one. Cooking dinner (assuming you enjoy it) is a tried and true method of providing care for others. It is a fun tie-in to getting groceries at the same time. Take this dinner to their house and you will make their day!

One final way of showing kindness in an active way is to give your friends and family a hug! Hugs before the holidays are a nice way to bring joy to the people you care about. Now that the Delta variant surge has mostly receded, physical affection is becoming safer. So give it a try!

Passive Ideas

Not all ways of showing kindness are active and require you to be noticed. There are various passive ways of showing you care. The first way you can do this is by paying for the customer behind you when in a drive-thru for food or coffee. No one has to know it was you, and you do a good deed!

Another method of passive kindness is very similar to the first: pay for someone’s meal at a restaurant. Depending on where you go, this can still be an anonymous act and no one would be the wiser. This is a bit more expensive, so only do this if you can afford it.

Finally, you can provide passive kindness by writing little post-it notes and placing them in random public places. This could be a library, office, or lobby. Get creative, and spread that cheer!

Spend the Week Being Kind

No matter how you choose to spend World Kindness Week, it is a good opportunity to take time to showcase kindness for our fellow peers. The holiday season is coming up. This is a great way to kickstart getting into the mood of happiness and cheer! World Kindness Day is Saturday, November 13th. Check out our extra tips for home cleaning!

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