Thermostat Tips: Good, Bad, and Ugly

As we enter the time of year where weather gets colder and the rain turns to snow, the lowly thermostat finds its time to shine. We will take a look at good, bad, and ugly thermostat tips you can use today!

Image of Thermostat


One of the first things to know about thermostats is how to maximize efficiency. This applies in both warmer and colder months. Warmer weather means the furnace will most likely not need to be utilized. This reduces your heating and electric costs. Additionally, when you set your thermostat slightly warmer during these months, it reduces your air conditioning usage; this results in further electricity savings. Conversely, colder months are when furnaces are stressed the most. This means that the furnace will work harder as the thermostat is set higher. The ideal temperature, according to most authorities, is 68 degrees in these months. This allows for a comfortable home while minimizing heating costs, or so they say; be prepared to curl up with some blankets when it gets very cold out! This is the good, bad, and ugly of efficiency: sacrificing some comfort, gaining peace of mind in cutting your utility costs.

Location, location, location

Next, while you may not have thought about it, location of your thermostat is important. Consider that the thermostat location should be somewhere relatively temperature neutral. This means that you don’t want to place it somewhere that might spike or otherwise lower its temperature drastically. So where are some places to avoid?
– Locations in direct sunlight
– Placed in or near a kitchen
– Located in long hallways
– Beside doors or windows
– Airy places by air vents

As long as you avoid these areas, you are in an optimum location for thermostat placement!

Consider Smart Technology

Want to avoid extra hassle of setting your thermostat manually? The modern era allows for better ease of use than ever before! Smart thermostats have a wide range of benefits. Most of these models allow for offsite control with your mobile device as well as pre-set programs that adapt to changing weather conditions. All of the temperature settings we mentioned here could be automated to reduce the headache of setting them manually every time. Many even provide metrics so you can look at how efficient your home heating and cooling system is performing. All of these benefits come with smart technology, so consider getting a smart thermostat!

Thermostat: The Unsung Hero

Now that we have looked at the good, bad, and ugly of thermostat tips, you are primed and ready for a great holiday season. The weather may be getting colder and the days ever shorter, but your peace of mind and confidence in your home’s comfort is getting stronger! Be sure to check out our prior tips on the affordable mortgage to find a home you can heat and cool with what you’ve read about today!

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