Unique Yard Projects

Photo of a beautifully landscaped yard for an article about unique yard projects.

  •  Homeowners are increasingly replacing grass with other low maintenance options such as walkways and ground cover. Not only do these options add interest to the yard, they can also cut down on water usage, saving money.
  • Adding a fire pit to the yard increases the functionality of the space by allowing homeowners to enjoy the outdoors beyond the spring and summer months. Not only are fire pits useful, they are also a good investment. Homeowners can expect to get an ROI of about 78% on a fire pit. They can cost around $4,500 for a professionally installed flagstone fire pit with a small patio or you can purchase a DIY kit for only $200.
  • Creating your own native habitat is both attractive and can boost curb appeal. Establishing a native habitat in your yard is fairly simple; all that’s needed are native plants to add protection from predators, a bird bath or other form of water, and a shelter such as a bird house.
  • Utilizing edible plants is very beneficial; it provides food for your family and creates beauty in your yard. For example, basil, Swiss chard, and fennel are colorful and unique while dill and okra feature beautiful flowers. There are many different options when it comes to using edible foliage such as pole beans grown on arbors, blueberry bushes as hedges, cucumbers as climbing vines on trellises, and much more.


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